Blueprint for Belonging: The 5 Relationships Jesus Needed and Why You Need Them Too
Blueprint for Belonging: The 5 Relationships Jesus Needed and Why You Need Them Too
our relationships are the key to a thriving life that satisfies your soul.
Don't settle for lonely.
Despite technology that allows for more connection than any previous generation, our culture is drowning in loneliness. Human beings are deeply relational, longing to be known, welcomed, encouraged, and connected. Yet most of us go through life lacking some of the key relationships we need in order to feel fulfilled. The answer to our loneliness problem is not found in the quantityof relationships, but rather in finding and growing five specific types of relationships, which make up a blueprint for belonging revealed in the life of Jesus.
Mining the Gospels for insight, pastor and author Alli Patterson unveils the five types of relationships, cultivated by Jesus, that you still need
· your core
· your circle
· your comrades
· your community
· your crowd
She guides you through a redesign of your own relational world according to this divine blueprint so you can discover authentic, restorative relationships within each of these types that will truly satisfy your soul.